Next to its normal uses IsarFlow provides the option to grant certain users or user groups only restricted access to selected areas of the collected data.
Therefore the desired areas/shortcuts/reports are defined:

and after login (using the user of an according group) only the defined analyses/shortcuts/reports are available to this user:

Diese Methode kann auch zur einfachen Bedienung für bestimmte Nutzerkreise genutzt werden, um somit z.B. dem oberen IT-Management oder Kunden vordefinierte Live-Analysen (also neben der Einschränkung auf bestimmte Daten werden direkt Analysen vorbereitet) zur Verfügung zu stellen.

This method can also be used to make IsarFlow easy to use for certain users to offer i.e. pre-defined live-analyses to executives or customers (which are prepared in advance in addition to restrict the access).
In 5.x the access to parameter or parameter values can be restricted, e.g. only routers (interface views) or IP ranges (IPViews) of AP region are shown to asian colleagues (in this example of a german university: Bibliothek = Library).
Furthermore, parameter like "Protocol" or "IP CoS" can be hidden to e.g. helpdesk.